Mint Squash
MRP Price 170.00
Quick Overview
Mint is the worlds oldest natural refresher and appetizer. Mint is rich in vitain A,C, and B2. It also contains some essential minerals like Manganese, copper, Iron, Potassium, Calcium, magnesium, Folate in good amounts and fibre. It stimulates digestion relieves cough boosts immunity, helps in sinus, vomiting and morning sickness.
Mint is the worlds oldest natural refresher and appetizer. Mint is rich in vitain A,C, and B2. It also contains some essential minerals like Manganese, copper, Iron, Potassium, Calcium, magnesium, Folate in good amounts and fibre. It stimulates digestion relieves cough boosts immunity, helps in sinus, vomiting and morning sickness.